"I wrote the following in response to a anti-obama rant an ex-classmate of a friend posted on facebook
the original post has been removed unfortunately
but you don't have to read the post (i didn't) to understand my response
thought you might appreciate:
I don't have much time for bad writing
There's so much good writing in the world it seems a criminal waste of time to read the bad stuff
But I usually make it to at least the end of the first sentence before I want to hurl the offending article across the room in disgust
With this -what would you call it? Harangue? Diatribe? Hatchet job?- I only made it through the first SEVEN words: “There are an infinite number of reasons-”
Hold on there! What the fuck?
This person either:
a) has no idea what the word “infinite” means (and to be fair, most uneducated people don't)
b) is a barefaced liar
c) is a terrible writer
d) is all of the above
People who write as poorly as this should be made to put their money where their mouth is -i'd like to see this person enumerate the reasons they disagree with obama for ten minutes -no, fuck it, FIVE minutes (without repetition)- let alone for all eternity
So normally i'd bin something that started off so badly from the get-go
But today, for whatever reason, I'm feeling generous
what the hell; let's look the other way
I make it as far as line two -we are still on paragraph one, mind- and the phrase “overwhelmingly superfluous”
now I had to laugh out loud
Is this person SERIOUS???
not only is “overwhelmingly superfluous” an adverb modifying an adjective; not only is the TWO-word phrase NINE syllables long -”overwhelmingly superfluous” is in itself an overwhelmingly superfluous expression!
It's irony cubed!
Ha ha ha ha!
OK -now all I need is one more little thing to make me throw this piss-poorly written garbage into the trash
I don't have long to wait -in paragraph 3, we come across the expression “sound byte”
yes, that's right B-Y-T-E
Any politically aware person should know that the phrase is “sound BITE”
(“bite” indicating a digestible political morsel, suitable for the masses)
“byte” is a term used in computing to express a group of eight binary digits
What are you trying to say, that Barak Obama is really a robot?
I'm being facetious, of course, but next time, before you put something like this in the public domain, get one of your college-educated friends to-
Oh! This just in: The person who wrote this WENT to college... at Stanford. That's right: STANFORD. Whose lecturers include two of the best writers in the northern hemisphere -Tobias Wolff and Sam Harris.
Shame, shame, we know your name....
I'd just like to say here that I don't side with obama against clinton. And I don't side with clinton against obama. If I edge slightly towards obama rather than clinton, it's because find it troubling that if hilliary gets in power, then the last two decades of american politics -supposedly the bastion of democracy- will have been dominated by two families: the bushes and the clintons. Bush, clinton, bush, clinton. Political dynasties -that doesn't seem right to me, not in america.
But what i'm really against is bad writing, bad political discourse and, above all, THE REPUBLICAN PARTY.
It breaks my heart, it really does, to see that internecine warfare in the democrat party has now made the “dream ticket” of an obama/clinton presidency/vice-presidency
And the candidates are as much to blame for this, by their pride, as their supporters.
And now i've heard something even more disturbing
I couldn't read this appallingly written diatribe beyond the third paragraph, as I've said
but a friend who gritted his teeth and worked his way through the whole document told me that whoever penned this tripe would sooner vote mccain or romney than obama
I hope this is just the opinion of one moron and not that diehard obama/clinton supporters will actually vote REPUBLICAN in the election rather than for their erstwhile enemy in the democrat camp!
surely this can't be so
because that means, if it's true, that democrats are prepared to to vote, in the most important election in the world, for the OTHER party... out of spite
oh my god
oh my god
You've thrown away the “dream ticket”, but you MUST be unified behind whoever wins the primaries!
Don't you know that the republican party apparatus, a formidable entity, is right now working behind the scenes, mobilizing, unifying?
Did you learn nothing in 2004?
Right now, in america's “heartland”, there are republican party activists saying: “you better get out there and vote when the time comes -unless you want to see a WOMAN in charge of our great nation.”
Or: “You better go vote this year -unless, of course, you want to see a NIGGER in the oval office”
Anyone who thinks such things are not being said at grass-roots level is dangerously naïve
Unless you stop this ridiculous infighting, there is a very real chance that the republicans could steal a victory -absurdly, when they have never been weaker, or the country has been so yearning for change
If the republicans win there will be no “hanging chads” or voter disenfranchisement you can point the finger at this time
You will have no one to blame but yourselves
And the world -and history- will never forgive you"-Dan Spencer