Tuesday, March 4, 2008

NY Brit Dan Spencer's 2nd note (WARNING: This post makes use of extreme profanity)

Hey, Democrats!

Hear that sound?



Listen carefully now

That slightly nauseating, rasping noise?

You hear it?

You do? Yeah?

Know what it is?

I'll tell you:

It's the sound of Republican Party mandarins rubbing their greasy, bejeweled, oil-stained, blood-stained hands together in glee you FUCKING MORONS

This infighting has GOT TO STOP now


Why are you doing the Republican Party's work for them?

Huh? Huh?

Worse, why are campaigning like the Republican Party -those evil motherfucks!

Why do you want to become your enemy?

It just goes to show how far you Democrats have lost sight of the real objective here which is to (let me put it in a super large font so we're all absolutely clear on this):


Clear enough for you? Crystal?

It should be the “mission statement” written over the doorway of every regional Democratic party headquarters

I was pretty pissed off about the latest Obama smear

The “Obama-is-really-a-Muslim” bollocks

And those pictures that “proved” it, supposedly leaked by a Clinton staffer

But i'm over that now -in fact, I think it was a GOOD thing

Here's how:

If Hill's team had those pictures, do you really think McCain's DIDN'T?

Of course they did, and they were holding them in reserve, to be used if Obama wins the primaries, as a PRESIDENTIAL election campaign smear

I bet they had a whole plan ready to roll too

some kind of fake “terror alert” orchestrated by the current administration

(a thousand curses be upon them!)

then when the country and the right-wing media are all stirred up again by the so-called “War on Terror” the pictures get leaked

All timed for a crucial juncture in Obama's campaign -maximum damage

But now the pictures are “out there”, and by the time the actual election comes around they will be forgotten

The power of images fades fast -just look at 9/11

When that atrocity was played out before our eyes it seemed impossible that it could ever lose its power -but it has, through repetition

(That's not immoral, just human nature)

And a smiling Obama in a turban is not exactly comparable is it?

So good on you Clinton campaign staffer! (should obama win)

It makes me laugh to think that somewhere there is a Republican campaign staffer banging his or her head against a desk, crying: “I had this planned for months! Months! All for nothing! Nothing! Waaaaaah!”

Ha ha ha ha! I love it

Yesterday [2nd March] the governor of New Mexico, Bill Richardson, said one of the first sensible things re. this dumb internecine warfare:

I just think the D-Day is Tuesday [4th March]. We have to have a positive campaign after Tuesday. Whoever has the most delegates after Tuesday, a clear lead, should be in my judgment the nominee.”

Thank you sir!

An admirable statement

But also naïve (this tit-for-tat, he-said-she-said stuff has gone too far now; there's too much playground pride at stake)

and, in a weird way, un-american:

In your culture, there's no room for second place

That's why the loser -especially after this bitter campaign- could never brook running as vice-president

(and why obama and hill could never cut a “Granatia Deal” [so named after the restaurant where it was apocryphally brokered] as Tony Blair and Gordon Brown did when they were in contention for leadership of the Labour Party in 1994. The deal was that Brown would stand down in agreement to being chancellor of the exchequer [the de facto second highest office in british politics, more powerful than being deputy prime minister] and blair would, after a certain length of time, hand over the reigns of power to brown. Blair eventually made good on his promise, 10 years later. But I digress.)

Just look the NFL season just gone

Who cares now that the patriots won every game of the season, after they lost the superbowl to the giants?

Look at football (or soccer, if you must) in england

Our national team are lionized, household names and role-models -and we've never won anything since... 1966!

And it's not like we've ever even made it to a world cup/euro [this year we didn't even qualify to compete!] final/semi-final since


And then you've got Tim Henman, british tennis player, and “people's champion” -he's never won ANYTHING


(i'm not even going to mention specific american tennis players and their groaning trophy cabinets)

This speaks volumes about the difference between our two cultures -i have my own pet theories as to the reasons/causes of that, but i've digressed waaaay too much already

What i'm trying to say is it's GOT to be either Hillary OR Obama

There's no room for compromise

But situations that leave no room for compromise -extremist positions, you might say- are bound to descend into “ends justifying the means territory”

winning isn't everything -it's the only thing” blah blah

I guess I'll have to grudgingly concede that this campaign is going to be dirty, and will stay dirty, till the bitter -and I mean BITTER- end.

But here's the thing

There will -eventually, finally, thankfully- be a winner and a loser, unequivocally

And when that day comes -god willing it will be wednesday!- this is what you've got to do:

If your guy/girl wins get incredibly drunk

If your guy/girl loses get incredibly drunk

Next day, put on the pin badge of the winning candidate, go outside -i don't care how hungover you are, the fresh air will do you good- and start campaigning for them

Obviously this will be a lot easier for the “winner” to do than the “loser”

(they will already have their own badge for a start)

But if your candidate did lose -don't be bitter

don't break out of the mission (if you've forgotten what the mission is, see above; it's in VERY large type)

Don't feel hypocritical -it's just politics, thats how politics is; “strange bedfellows” and all that

But above all -don't feel like a loser

Because, either way, you win:

I realized something the other day -it hit me like a bullet, in fact- and maybe you Democrats haven't truly realized it either, busy as you are with ripping out each other's throats

You are one of the luckiest electorates in american history -in fact the most fortunate since the Civil Rights Act was passed in 1964

and before that... the first presidential election, in 1789.

(Doesn't that make the hairs on your neck stand on end?

It does mine and i'm not even american!)

No matter who wins the primaries the presidential candidate you will be supporting (MUST BE SUPPORTING) will be a person who could be the first BLACK president in american history or the first FEMALE president in american history

I'm sure I don't need to spell this out -but there's a lot of things I thought I wouldn't need to spell out, so I will:


And all too often a “Stupid White Man” (thank you, Michael Moore), typified by this McCain bozo standing in opposition

(but i'll save my fire for McCain till after the election campaign gets underway and the battle can truly be joined)

God, i'm so jealous of you

(this is why i'm sitting writing this tedious shit, when I have all the fun that new york city has to offer at my disposal)

And why once the winner FINALLY emerges I will read his/her book and then make my way to the local Democrat Party office and report for duty (sir!)

I may not be able to vote in this election, but i'm sure as hell going to make sure as many of you lucky, lucky bastards do -and for the right candidate too: the DEMOCRAT candidate, whomever that may be

I love america, and I love americans

but you do have your faults

oh yes you do!

And one of those is a tendency for hubris, and for thinking battles have already been won that are not -not even nearly- over

(the most obvious contemporary example is Bush's disgustingly triumphant “Mission Accomplished” address from the deck of the USS Abraham Lincoln, in 2003. Five years ago, people. Five years.)

I've just started reading a book about the Founding Fathers and the so-called “revolutionary generation” [Founding Brothers, by Joseph J Ellis]. I found this on page 4:

Though it seems somewhat extreme to declare, as one contemporary political philosopher [Francis Fukuyama, in his essay The End of History and the Last Man] has phrased it, that “the end of history” is now at hand, it is true that all alternative forms of political organization appear to be fighting a futile rearguard action against the liberal institutions and ideas first established in the United States in the late eighteenth century. At least it seems safe to say that some form of representative government based on the principle of popular sovereignty and some form of market economy fueled by the energies of individual citizens have become the commonly accepted ingredients for national success throughout the world.”

Immediately after reading that, I flicked to the front of the book to see the copyright: 2000. One year before the Islamists demonstrated -in blood- that history is certainly NOT OVER

I bring that up now -and i'm nearly done now, honest, I need to go to bed- because all this infighting is the result of the tacit assumption that you Democrats cannot lose the election, and the real ground to be fought over is which candidate has the best “vision” or whatever to be president


You CAN lose this election; more than that you WILL lose, if you fatally split the party

(trust me, I know of what I speak -this is why the conservative party in england have never managed to offer a serious alternative to Labour -too busy sinking the knives into each other's backs)

Do you really want to be remembered as the electorate who had the chance to make history, but were so preoccupied with your hands around each other's throats you didn't stop some liver-spotted Republican crony sneaking into the highest office in the land to give the world four more years (at least) of the same?

No, I didn't think so

Don't win the battle and lose the war

Be history's victors, not history's losers

You are, after all, in such an enviable position:

You -yes, YOU- can help save the world


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